MOT Design and Inspection Application

ConeIQ is a web-based MoT Solution that uses the latest GPS and GIS technologies to digitize lane closures and ensure compliance with design guidelines.

Improve Safety & Compliance

See how ConeIQ help you enhance work zone safety and compliance with local, state and federal guidelines

Improve Safety & Compliance

  • Ensure MoT implementation is in accordance with the design including critical distances between signs as well as quantity of signs
  • Digital evidence with image of MoT start and Stop times

Increase Operational Efficiency & Simplify Training

Do more with less using ConeIQ to train new crew

Increase Operational Efficiency & Simplify Training

  • Use ConeIQ portal for personnel training with virtual snapshot of MoT on a map
  • Supervisory staff can manage more crews and jobs remotely

Grow Revenue & Enhance Customer Service

ConeIQ provides the engine for revenie growth and the reports to dazzle your customers

Grow Revenue & Enhance Customer Service

  • Provide 24×7 portal view of on-going jobs with latest location of lane closure
  • Automatically provide MoT compliance report to each customer at the conclusion of the job


ConeIQ is a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution to simplify the MOT design process and enhance the compliance to improve work zone safety using the two modules listed below.

Design Layout
Design Layout
Inspection & Compliance Module
Inspection & Compliance

Customer Testimonials

"I often wondered if there was a better, efficient, organized and faster way to design and layout lane closures, along came ConeIQ. ConeIQ has become a great teaching tool for me personally with my position at Richmond Traffic Control as the training and development Manager.  I see a world of opportunity and great potential with this app to help improve installation and compliance with lane closures and traffic control."

John Page, Training & Development Manager, Richmond Traffic Control, Inc.
"ConeIQ’s MOT solution digitizes MOT using the latest location based technology. Their solution has the potential to improve safety and to reduce cost. But the most important benefit is the peace of mind for us and our customers that the MOT was deployed on-time and in compliant with the approved design."
T. Hamid, President, DGMTS, Inc.

MoT Design and Work Zone Compliance

MoT Designs and Inspection tool while improving safety.

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